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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for Breakfast" - one man's journey through life with IT and all things related to it whether it's purely technical or just for fun...

Note - Any posts on this blog are purely my own personal opinion and do not reflect any opinions of companies and/or people that I mention. All advice is given to help you but I cannot be held responsible for your actions should you decide you want to try these things out yourself!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

SQL Server - Active Directory Helper service does not start

I rebooted a server today and when it came back up I received the usual "Service Failed to Start..." hoo har that plagues all IT administrators.  Now most of the time it is the Network Load Balancing service or something that isn't in use but Windows will endeavour to start for you.

On this occasion though it was something that looked a bit more serious...

I am not SQL expert but it doesn't take a genius to work out if a SQL service doesn't start then you might want to take a look at the server and it's service before just wandering off into the kitchen to make tea.

The Active Directory Helper Service was the culprit and the cause of my error message but when I looked at it I noticed it was set to Automatic.  So sensible old me says 'Ok lets go start it', so I did and it failed.  This was my error message:

The MSSQLServerADHelper service terminated with service-specific error 3221225572

The average man this doesn't mean anything and the further message in the Application log shows the following message:

'0' is an invalid number of start up parameters. This service takes two start up parameters.

After some brief searches I discovered whilst the service is set to Automatic it doesn't actually start if you start it from the Services console.  It will start when it wants to and needs to.  So should you get the same message do not panic, all is working still and as long as MSSQLServer service hasn't stopped to I think you can go and make that cup of tea.

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